Edition 38- featuring Howard Waldrop & Beverley MacDonald |
Volume 13, Number 2. Published 1996.
- "A Universe from the Kitchen Table: An Interview with Beverley MacDonald" - Interview by Van Ikin
- "A Neat Interview with Howard" - Interview by Russell B. Farr
- "Hyperion: Notes on Structure and Literary Antecedent" - Michael J. Mitchell
- "Language and Loss in Stanley Wienbaum's A Martian Odyssey" - Barbara Bengels
- Greg Egan's Distress - review by Richard Harland
- Greg Egan's Distress - review by Russell Blackford
- Naomi Mitchison's Solution Three - review by Helen Merrick
- Barbara Hambly's Dark Hand of Magic - review by Yvonne Rousseau
- Darryl Caine's Cravenghast - review by Stephen Dedman
- Sara Douglass' BattleAxe and Enchanter - review by Tess Williams

Cover photo of Beverley MacDonald
Last Updated on Friday, 04 December 2009 22:06 |