Volume 12, Number 1. Published 1993.
- "SF, Genre and Conservatism" - Mark Loney
- "Clarke as Constructor: Arthur C. Clarke's Astounding Days and The Ghost from the Grand Banks" - Van Ikin
- "Visions: Women, Gender and SF" - Jean Weber.
- "Neuromancer" - Caroline Flynn
- "The Fifth Head of Cerberus" - Caroline Flynn
- Lucy Sussex's My Lady Tongue & Other Tales - review by Russell Blackford
- Rosaleen Love's The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories- review by David McCooey
- Rosaleen Love's The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories and Lucy Sussex's My Lady Tongue & Other Tales - review by Bronwen Levy
- Suzy McKee Charnas' Walk to the End of the World and Motherlines - review by Lucy Sussex
- Carol Emshwiller's The Start of the End of it all and Other Stories - review by Lucy Sussex
- Elisabeth Vonarburg's The Silent City - review by Lucy Sussex
- Tanith Lee's Women as Demons: The male perception of women through space and time - review by Lucy Sussex
- Lisa Tuttle's (ed.) Skin of the Soul: New horror stories by Women - review by Lucy Sussex

Cover photo of Rosaleen Love
(Photo courtesy The Age)
Last Updated on Friday, 04 December 2009 22:07 |