This page is a cross reference of authors that appeared in the editions of Science Fiction. If the Author's Home Page is known, it has been linked in. For some authors, there is no official page so either a good fan page is used or nothing - you can search the web for the many pages if you like!
- Bailey, John: 4
- Ballard, J.G.: 8, 2
- Barker, Clive: 31
- Barnes, Rory: 16
- Barnes, Steven: 32
- Beale, Bob: 3
- Bear, Greg: 33, 25
- Benford, Gregory: 30, 16
- Bengels, Barbara: 38, 25
- Blackford, Russell: 30, 17, 16, 12, 6
- Bland, Jay: 15, 13
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: 43, 23
- Brin, David: 25
- Broderick, Damien: 43, 37, 22, 17, 16, 12, 8
- Brooks, David: 22, 13
- Brown, Simon: 43, 41
- Bryning, Frank: 4
- Bujold, Lois McMaster: 41
- Burgess, Chris: 7
- Caine, Darryl: 38
- Carmody, Isobelle: 41, 40
- Carroll, Jonathan: 39, 31
- Chandler, A(rthur). Bertram: 18
- Chant, Joy: 17
- Charnas, Suzy McKee: 34
- Crichton, Michael: 28
- Clarke, Arthur C.: 26, 5
- Cohen, Bernard: 43
- Colebatch, Hal: 33
- Collins, Paul: 8
- Coney, Michael: 25
- Cooper, Edmund: 6
- Cooper, Louise: 30, 29, 25
- Daniells, Cory: 44
- Davis, Margaret: 12
- Deighton, Len: 3
- Dick, Philip K.: 22, 15, 9
- Donaldson, Stephen: 36, 31, 25
- Douglass, Sara: 41, 40, 39, 38
- Dowling, Terry: 33, 17, 9, 8, 5, 4
- Dunsany, Lord: 19
- Hall, Rodney: 28
- Hambly, Barbara: 39, 38, 25
- Handley, Max: 18
- Harding, Lee: 42, 4, 2
- Harding, Traci: 40
- Harris, Geraldine: 19
- Hassler, Donald M.: 9, 4
- Herbert, Frank: 15, 9, 6
- Herbert, James: 8, 7
- Hubbard, L. Ron: 23
- Lake, David: 16, 13, 7
- La Tourette, Aileen: 23
- Lee, Tanith: 34, 33
- Lem, Stanislaw: 42
- Lewis, C.S.: 26
- Lopez, Daniel: 9
- Love, Rosaleen: 34
- May, Julian: 43, 41
- McCaffrey, Anne: 39, 30, 18
- McDonald, Ian: 41
- McIntyre, Vonda: 2
- McMullen, Sean: 37, 36, 31, 28
- McQueen, James: 6
- Meacham, Beth: 30
- Mitchell, Dorothy: 32
- Mitchison, Naomi: 38
- Moorcock, Michael: 30, 26
- Morrow, James: 29, 23
- Murakami, Haruki: 35
- Murnane, Gerald: 15
- Sanders, Joe: 15
- Sheffield, Charles: 33
- Shirley, John: 39
- Silverberg, Robert: 23, 5
- Simmons, Chris: 12
- Singh, Kirpal: 12
- Slater, Hartley: 21
- Snowden, John: 14
- Spinrad, Norman: 37
- Stableford, Brian: 30
- Stapledon, Olaf: 11
- Stephenson, Neal: 44
- Stewart, Michael: 33
- Strasser, Dirk: 40
- Sussex, Lucy: 37, 34, 6
- Suvin, Darko: 43
- Tepper, Sheri S.: 41
- Thompson, Valerie: 14
- Tigges, John: 32
- Tiptree, James: 4
- Toime, Roland: 3
- Tolkien, J.R.R.: 32
- Tolley, Michael: 25
- Tremayne, Peter: 19
- Turner, George: 44, 28, 15, 13, 5, 3
- Van Vogt, A.E.: 19
- Vance, Jack: 11, 6, 3
- Varley, John: 19
- Voermans, Paul: 35
- Volsky, Paula: 42
- Vonarburg, Elisabeth: 34
- Vonnegut, Kurt: 14, 7, 6
- Watson, Ian: 28
- Weber, Jean: 39, 37
- Weir, Peter: 7
- Wells, H.G.: 16
- White, Damien: 2
- White, Tim: 9
- Whiteford, Wynne: 7
- Wiegel, Pavel: 41
- Wilder, Cherry: 14, 4
- Williams, Sean: 39
- Williams, Tad: 41
- Williams, Tess: 42, 39
- Wilson, Robert Anton: 12
- Wingrove, David: 29
- Winterson, Jeannette: 31
- Wodhams, Jack: 13, 7
- Wolfe, Gene: 25, 19
- Wurts, Janny: 39
Last Updated on Monday, 30 November 2009 22:53 |
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