Science Fiction is an Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy magazine edited by Van Ikin and published since 1977. During that time it has featured material from various overseas writers - Frank Herbert, Roger Zelazny, Stanislaw Lem, Jack Vance, Gregory Benford - as well as concentrating on the work of Australians from A-Z. (The "A" is Glenda Adams, author of sf novel Games of The Strong [1982]; there is no "Z" yet, but we've talked about Alan Yates who wrote sf for the 1950s Aussie pulps.) In between we've talked with or about most of the major Aussie names in the field, from Broderick and Brown to Williams (Sean) and Williams (Tess) ... with more to come!
Science Fiction provides critical reviews of speculative literature, interviews with leading authors and critics in the field, and a range of articles and issues in speculative literature. The author reference list contains links to many of the listed authors' official web pages and is a wide and varied listing. Individual Issue listings now have a scan of the cover!