Edition 33 - featuring Hal Colebatch |
Volume 11, Number 3. Published 1992
- "Patterns of Epic: The Re-affirmation of Western Values in Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings" - Hal Colebatch
- "Visions: Women, Gender & SF" - Jean Weber
- Greg Bear's Queen of Angels - review by George Turner
- Hal Colebatch's Return of the Heroes: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Contemporary Culture" - review by Stephen Hitchings
- Mary Gentle's Rats and Gargoyles - review by Yvonne Rousseau
- Charles Sheffield's Summertide and Divergence - review by Nick Talbot
- Tanith Lee's Volkhavaar - review by Lorene Tell
- Michael Stewart's Blindsight - review by Chris Tenner
- Terry Dowling's Wormwood - review by Katherine Cummings
- Terry Dowling's Wormwood - review by Marian Foster
- Guy Smith's Phobia - review by Lorene Tell

Cover art by Dane Ikin
Last Updated on Friday, 04 December 2009 22:07 |