This page contains the Author Reference for authors with surnames A-M. If any of these links are incorrect, or there is an official web page that should be used instead, please email the Web master. - Bailey, John: 4
- Ballard, J.G.: 8, 2
- Barker, Clive: 31
- Barnes, Rory: 16
- Barnes, Steven: 32
- Beale, Bob: 3
- Bear, Greg: 33, 25
- Benford, Gregory: 30, 16
- Bengels, Barbara: 38, 25
- Blackford, Russell: 30, 17, 16, 12, 6
- Bland, Jay: 15, 13
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: 43, 23
- Brin, David: 25
- Broderick, Damien: 43, 37, 22, 17, 16, 12, 8
- Brooks, David: 22, 13
- Brown, Simon: 43, 41
- Bryning, Frank: 4
- Bujold, Lois McMaster: 41
- Burgess, Chris: 7
- Caine, Darryl: 38
- Carmody, Isobelle: 41, 40
- Carroll, Jonathan: 39, 31
- Chandler, A(rthur). Bertram: 18
- Chant, Joy: 17
- Charnas, Suzy McKee: 34
- Crichton, Michael: 28
- Clarke, Arthur C.: 26, 5
- Cohen, Bernard: 43
- Colebatch, Hal: 33
- Collins, Paul: 8
- Coney, Michael: 25
- Cooper, Edmund: 6
- Cooper, Louise: 30, 29, 25
- Daniells, Cory: 44
- Davis, Margaret: 12
- Deighton, Len: 3
- Dick, Philip K.: 22, 15, 9
- Donaldson, Stephen: 36, 31, 25
- Douglass, Sara: 41, 40, 39, 38
- Dowling, Terry: 33, 17, 9, 8, 5, 4
- Dunsany, Lord: 19
- Hall, Rodney: 28
- Hambly, Barbara: 39, 38, 25
- Handley, Max: 18
- Harding, Lee: 42, 4, 2
- Harding, Traci: 40
- Harris, Geraldine: 19
- Hassler, Donald M.: 9, 4
- Herbert, Frank: 15, 9, 6
- Herbert, James: 8, 7
- Hubbard, L. Ron: 23
- Lake, David: 16, 13, 7
- La Tourette, Aileen: 23
- Lee, Tanith: 34, 33
- Lem, Stanislaw: 42
- Lewis, C.S.: 26
- Lopez, Daniel: 9
- Love, Rosaleen: 34
- May, Julian: 43, 41
- McCaffrey, Anne: 39, 30, 18
- McDonald, Ian: 41
- McIntyre, Vonda: 2
- McMullen, Sean: 37, 36, 31, 28
- McQueen, James: 6
- Meacham, Beth: 30
- Michell, Dorothy: 32
- Mitchison, Naomi: 38
- Moorcock, Michael: 30, 26
- Morrow, James: 29, 23
- Murakami, Haruki: 35
- Murnane, Gerald: 15