Editions 51&52 - Double issue featuring Terry Dowling Print

Volume 20, Numbers 1+2, 2020




“Wow, look at all those stars!” – the Early Work of Terry Dowling


“Some Destiny of Self…”: Terry Dowling Talks with Van Ikin about the Early Days

“Appendix: A Grab-bag of self-consciously Recalled Elements”

Poems and Lyrics by Terry Dowling

Galactic Armageddon

The Disillusioned Diplomat

The Subjugation of the Fomalhaut Kingdoms

A Valediction to the Time-Traveller

Nine Terminal Roads to Hades: A Sequence of Poetry

i.             Still Life: Wheel and Blade

ii.            The Armageddoner (2) (The Meditations of a Machine)

iii.           The Worm

iv.           A Space Shantey

v.            Going Home

vi.           Mercenary (Transit-song of the Pleides Campaign – circa 2377AF

vii.          The Human Condition: Basics

viii.         The Carnival Out Near Rhea

ix.           The Inter-Continental Ballistic Minstrel (A Lament under Anarchy)

Songs from Amberjack

1.         Amberjack

2.         Glencoe

3.         Now, Then, Everywhen

4.         The Lure of Legendary Ladies

5.         Bermudas

6.         The Blue Marlin Whore

7.         Lost Among the Superswifts

8.         China in His Day

9.         Vertigo Man

10.        The Collector

11.        Ithaca

12.        Mr Fate & Mr Danger

13.        Gantry Jack

14.        Minotaur

15.        At the Sign of the Moon

16.        Bel’Amore Donna

17.        Down in the Limbo Gardens

18.        Déjà-vu

Selections from Terry Dowling’s Notebooks and Journals


Cartoons by Terry Dowling


Floating Rock (with Dane Ikin)

The Clone Ranger (with Paul Power)

Fiction by Terry Dowling

Illusion of Free Flow

Oriental on the Murder Express

Shade of Encounter

All My Friends Have Gone Ashore

No Nets Can Catch

Critical Commentary by Terry Dowling

Space Opera Plus: The Achievement of Dr Who

A Specialist in “Relative” Disaster: J.G. Ballard: The First Twenty Years


Cover photograph courtesy of Terry Dowling


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Last Updated on Friday, 26 April 2024 19:59